VAKUUM - Dance piece for young audience (and more)
In a whirlwind of social pressure and constant
expectation, four house dancers move in a space filled with uncertainty and the
burden of choices. Their dance is about the inability to breathe in a vacuum of
expectations and constraints, while the world around them calls out for
Vacuum is a powerful and moving portrayal of the
challenges and hopes, that today's generation faces.
As part of Young Vibes, SZENE Salzburg's program for young audiences, the two choreographers Olivia Mitterhuemer & Farah Deen from Potpourri Dance present their latest work Vakuum. At the beginning of the process, the duo embarked on a research phase at schools in Salzburg to find out, together with teenagers, what the young generation is concerned about.
A co-production with SZENE Salzburg.
Recommended from
12 years on.
Artistic Direction & Idea: Farah Deen, Olivia MitterhuemerChoreography: Farah Deen, Olivia Mitterhuemer in collaboration with the performers
Dance: Dominique Elenga, Rafael Hellweg, Rosa Perl, Michela Galiceanu
Dramaturgical advice: Florian Bilbao
Music edit: Patrick Gutensohn (Good Lee)
Costume: Magdalena Neuburger
Lighting design: Heide Tömpe
Stage design: Alma Rothacker
Produced by SZENE Salzburg and Potpourri Dance
Funded by Stadt Salzburg, Land Salzburg, BMKÖS, Bildrecht.
Photos: Raphael Mittendorfer, Bernhard Müller