“The past few months have given us time and space to reflect, learn and change. 2020 has been a revolution in many ways – be it a global pandemic or a worldwide uprising against racism. As dancers, we wouldn’t be able to do what we do if it wasn’t for Black Music, Black Culture and Black People. At the same time we acknowledge the privileges and benefits of growing up, living and working within White structures. As a Woman of Color and a White Woman we can only get a glimpse of how Black people feel, yet we will stand for justice. We will support Black people always, but we will also listen, learn and grow.
This video was recorded in early May. In view of the events since it would feel wrong to share it without speaking on these issues. Dance has always been our most genuine form of expression - this video is a result of just that. We dance about a revolution”.
Farah Deen & Olivia Mitterhuemer
Choreography / Dance: Farah Deen & Olivia Mitterhuemer
Camera / Edit: Marko Mestrovic & Shereen Deen
Song: Tracy Chapman – Talkin’ Bout a Revolution